Celebrating and Understanding National Farmers Market Week

Introduction – National Farmers Market Week

National Farmers Market Week 2023 is coming up. It’s an annual, seven-day celebration of our nation’s farmers and the vibrant markets that showcase their labor’s fruits, literally and figuratively!

This event has become a cornerstone in communities across the country, providing locally sourced, fresh products to consumers, and giving them the opportunity to interact directly with those who cultivate them. Note: the topic of this article is not to be confused with another event “Farmer’s day” which is a different celebration.

National Farmer’s Week takes place in August every year

When Is National Farmer’s Week This Year

As we approach the 24th annual National Farmers Market Week, set to run from August 6-12, 2023, the Farmers Market Coalition (FMC) has highlighted the integral role farmers markets play in our national food system.

The week will be brimming with events, programs, contests, and activities, all designed to heighten market visibility and underscore the tremendous value these markets confer on their communities.

Resources For Running An Event From FMC

Recognizing the planning required for such a lively week, FMC has curated a multitude of resources, tools, and ideas.

These are tailored to assist market managers, vendors, and attendees in organizing and partaking in National Farmers Market Week.

One significant addition to the resources is the 2023 National Farmers Market Week Toolkit.

This toolkit, available for download from the FMC website, aims to simplify the planning process, making participation in the festivities more accessible than ever before.

Sponsors For This Year

The 2023 National Farmers Market Week also owes its success to the generous sponsorship received. F

MC extends its gratitude to its returning sponsors: FarmAid, American Farmland Trust, Farm Credit, Square, and Mother Earth News Fair.

Their continued support and partnership ensure the event’s ongoing success, bolstering the awareness and recognition of farmers markets in our food system, economy, and communities.

The Origins of National Farmers Market Week

The importance of the week traces back to its inception in 1999 when the U.S. Department of Agriculture launched the first National Farmers Market Week.

The intent was to bolster farmer-to-consumer relationships, promote the trend of locally grown food, and support the local economy.

Celebrating National Farmers Market Week

Communities nationwide come together during this week, introducing a slew of lively celebrations.

From the bustling programs in California’s Davis Farmers Market to the vibrant festivities in New York City’s Union Square Greenmarket, the week is packed with activities for everyone.

Davis Farmers Market

As one of California’s oldest and best-known farmers markets, Davis Farmers Market pulls out all stops for National Farmers Market Week. From a vast array of local produce to special events for the whole family, this market becomes a true celebration of farm-to-table values.

Union Square Greenmarket

New York’s Union Square Greenmarket never fails to impress during this celebratory week. With over 140 regional farmers, fishers, and bakers supplying city denizens with the freshest goods, this market stands as a testament to the power of local agriculture.

National Farmers Market Week and Sustainability

In the age of climate awareness, it’s important to note the role of local farming in carbon reduction. Shopping at farmers markets translates to supporting sustainable farming practices and environmentally conscious brands like Beyond Meat and JUST Egg.

 Beyond Meat

Beyond Meat is a widely recognized brand offering plant-based alternatives to animal products. Its sustainable production methods and commitment to reducing carbon footprints have made it a staple among health-conscious consumers and environmental advocates.


JUST Egg provides a plant-based egg alternative made primarily from mung beans. Its environmental footprint is significantly smaller compared to traditional egg production, aligning it with the sustainable intent of National Farmers Market Week.

Support Local Producers For Sustainability

There’s many types of products for supporting local producers. We list three here.

Supporting Local Apiaries

Participating in National Farmers Market Week involves more than purchasing fresh produce; it’s an investment in your local community and environmental health.

One way to contribute is by supporting local apiaries. Here, dedicated beekeepers produce honey while also promoting essential pollinator conservation.

Your purchase of local honey supports these apiaries’ work and contributes to a healthier ecosystem, signifying the sweet success of sustainable practices.

Choosing Family-Run Farms

At the heart of every farmers market are the small-scale, family-run farms.

Generations of knowledge underpin their cultivation of organic fruits and vegetables, with a steadfast commitment to sustainable farming practices.

When you choose their produce, you’re not just buying food – you’re endorsing their environmental stewardship and making a healthier choice for yourself and the planet.

Let’s celebrate these devoted growers during National Farmers Market Week.

Patronizing Local Bakeries

Finally, don’t forget the local bakeries. These establishments source grains from regional farmers, using traditional methods to bake bread and pastries fresh for the market.

These bakeries play a crucial role in the local supply chain, keeping profits within the community and fostering relationships between local businesses.

Purchasing their goods means enjoying delicious baked treats while simultaneously supporting local economic growth and resilience.

Participating in National Farmers Market Week

Whether you’re a vendor, a shopper, or just a local resident, there are plenty of ways to join in during National Farmers Market Week.

Workshops, fresh produce stalls, and local handicrafts are common sightings in most participating markets.

National Farmers Market Week and You

Your participation goes beyond merely attending or purchasing from the market – it supports local agriculture, boosts the economy, and embraces the trending move towards sustainability.

It’s a show of togetherness, of community spirit, and an embrace of our shared environment.

How to Find or Start a Farmers Market

Starting a farmer’s market is an involved process

With National Farmers Market Week being a significant annual event that celebrates local agriculture and sustainability, you might be wondering how you can participate or even initiate this tradition within your community.

If you’re looking for a local farmers market to visit, our website offers a comprehensive directory that provides locations, operating hours, and available produce.

But, if your area lacks a farmers market and you feel inspired to start one, we have resources to help with that too.

Starting a farmers market can seem daunting, but with the right planning and community support, it’s an achievable goal.

The process can be fulfilling, strengthening community ties, enhancing local economies, and bolstering sustainability.

National Farmers Market Week can be an ideal time to launch such a project, drawing on the nationwide awareness and enthusiasm for fresh, local produce. So, this year, instead of just celebrating this event, consider taking an active role in bringing it to your community

Conclusion – National Farmers Market Week

National Farmers Market Week is more than just a celebration of local products and the people who bring them to us; it is a homage to the work that goes into fostering sustainable practices, sustaining communities, and supporting local economies. As this week approaches, join in the celebration and be part of a movement toward a more sustainable and community-driven world.

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