5 Strategies To Increase Solar Panel Efficiency And Output

Introduction – Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar panel technology continues to be an impressive feat of scientific achievement. The ability to capture sunlight and convert it into electricity is invaluable in today’s society. This article will focus on how this process can be maximized to increase solar panel efficiency

Solar panel efficiency depends on two principal factors of positioning and cleanliness

5 Methods To Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

The efficiency of a solar panel refers to its ability to convert sunlight into usable electricity. This conversion efficiency is affected by two principal factors – panel positioning and cleanliness.

Technology/MethodHow It Improves EfficiencyAdditional Benefits
Dual-Axis Solar TrackersIncreases power output by accurately tracking the sun, keeping panels optimally angled.Works well in limited spaces and uneven land.
Anti-Reflective CoatingReduces surface reflection on panels, increasing light absorption and power conversion efficiency.Reduces glare, making panels suitable near airports.
SolarEdge InverterEnables maximum power point tracking for each panel, improving overall electricity generation.Offers performance monitoring, safety features, and longer warranty.
Solar Analytics MonitoringIdentifies system issues immediately for quick resolution, optimizes usage for efficiency.Helps compare and choose energy plans for cost savings.
Regular CleaningRemoves obstructions like dust and dirt, ensuring maximum light reaches the photovoltaic cells.Maintains consistent performance and longevity of panels.

1. Dual-Axis Tracker: Perfecting Solar Panel Positioning

The position and angle of solar panels can contribute greatly to their performance. Optimally, they should be positioned to capture the most amount of sunlight throughout the day. The inclusion of solar trackers is helpful in maintaining the best angle as the sun’s position changes during the day.

Allerton Solar Trackers

Allerton Solar Trackers represent a significant advancement in optimizing solar panel efficiency. While specific pricing for Allerton Solar Trackers was not found, a similar product by AllEarth Renewables, known for its dual-axis solar trackers, indicates the market standard.

These trackers are essential for maximizing solar energy capture by adjusting panels’ orientation in accordance with the sun’s position. The widespread use of such trackers underscores their effectiveness in enhancing solar power systems.


  • Dual-axis solar trackers, like those offered by Allerton, can produce significantly more power (about 50-70% more than fixed systems) by accurately tracking the sun’s movement and keeping the solar panels optimally angled at all times​​​​.
  • They are particularly beneficial in areas with limited space, as they require less space than traditional fixed panels.
  • Dual-axis trackers are effective even on uneven land due to their ability to rotate the panels both horizontally and vertically​​.


  • The movable parts of solar trackers may reduce their lifespan compared to traditional fixed panels.
  • Performance can be affected by cloudy or smoggy conditions.
  • Regular maintenance is required for proper functioning​​.

More Information: AllEarth Renewables

2. Advanced Optimization Techniques: Anti-Reflective Coating And Better Inverters

Advancements in solar panel technology have introduced devices and features designed to increase panel efficiency substantially. Anti-reflective coated panels, such as LG Neon 2, capture more sunlight than regular panels. Furthermore, the SolarEdge Inverter allows each panel to operate independently, thus enhancing overall performance.

Advanced Optimization 1: LG Neon 2

The LG Neon 2 solar panels, recognized for their anti-reflective coating, are at the forefront of solar panel technology. These panels are designed to capture more sunlight, thereby increasing power output.

The price range for LG solar panels is between $2.46 and $3.38 per watt, making the cost for a 6 kW system approximately $14,760 to $20,280 before federal solar tax credits. The LG Neon 2 exemplifies high-efficiency solar technology, suitable for various locations and promising long-term energy production.


  • Anti-Reflective Coating (ARC) on solar panels, as used in LG Neon 2, significantly reduces surface reflection, leading to higher light absorption and thus higher power conversion efficiency (PCE)​​​​.
  • These coatings can also reduce glare, making panels more suitable for installation near airports and helping them blend into their surroundings​​.

Advanced Optimization 2: SolarEdge Inverter

The SolarEdge Inverter is a pivotal component in modern solar power systems, enabling each panel to operate independently. This functionality is critical for maximizing system efficiency and avoiding performance bottlenecks.

Additionally, the inverter comes with a monitoring system for real-time performance tracking and maintenance alerts. The SolarEdge Inverter is priced at $2,690, a valuable investment for upgrading solar energy setups.


  • SolarEdge inverters offer greater electricity generation due to maximum power point tracking in each individual panel.
  • They feature performance monitoring with automatic alarms and alerts for technical issues, accessible from any internet-connected device​​​​.
  • Safety features include the ability to shut down each solar panel in emergencies, protecting maintenance staff and first responders​​.
  • The design and function of SolarEdge inverters allow for efficient operation and easy installation and servicing​​.
  • They offer a longer warranty compared to competitors, with 25 years for power optimizers and 12 years for inverters​​.

4. Data And Analytics: The Future of Solar Panel Efficiency

Solar Analytics Monitoring is an example of technology designed to improve future aspects of solar efficiency.

Solar Analytics Monitoring

Solar Analytics Monitoring is a sophisticated software tool that offers real-time data on solar panel performance. Starting at $5.99 per month, this service provides detailed statistics and alerts, enabling users to identify and address system issues promptly. Compatible with all major solar panel brands, Solar Analytics Monitoring is a versatile tool for maintaining peak solar panel efficiency.


  • Immediate identification of problems, allowing for quick fixes or expert intervention, thus ensuring maximum efficiency of the solar system​​.
  • The software tracks usage and identifies opportunities for efficiency improvements and savings. It also helps in optimizing energy use during peak hours and can advise on the best time to add a solar battery​​.
  • The Plan Optimiser function compares energy plans and prices across different retailers, recommending the best retailer based on real-time usage, aiding in cost savings​​.

5. Cleaning for Efficiency

Keeping solar panels clean from dust and dirt is crucial as well. These particles can accumulate and obstruct sunlight from reaching the photovoltaic cells, thus reducing panel efficiency. Regular cleaning and maintenance can improve their performance.

Impact Of Solar Panel Efficiency On Carbon Reduction And Sustainability

Increasing solar panel efficiency presents a compelling way to contribute to carbon reduction and improved sustainability.

Case Studies: Increase in Efficiency through Optimization

A number of homeowners have registered an increase in energy output and, consequently, fewer energy expenses after optimizing solar panel efficiency. Notably, a school in Texas, which switched to solar energy and improved panel efficiency, reported a 30% decrease in energy costs.

Conclusion – Increase Solar Panel Efficiency

From small tweaks to major technological advancements, there are numerous ways to improve solar panel efficiency. With solar technology’s scope for innovation, future advancements will undoubtedly continue to maximize this sustainable power source’s potential.

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