Average Natural Gas Usage Per Month – 2025

Introduction – How Many Therms Of Gas Per Month

​​[Update 01/17/2025: we updated the average natural gas bills for a US resident on average, showing both a chart and a table for data from the most recent available 12 months. Unfortunately EIA data is about 1 year behind.]

Residential natural gas is a type of energy that is used in homes to provide heating, hot water, and other energy needs. It is a form of energy that is derived from a combustible mix of mainly methane and some other hydrocarbons and is commonly used in most homes. To compare your usage of gas, you will need to know the average therms per month used by others in your country. You will also want to compare natural gas to other types of fuels.

credit: Audetat / license CC3.0

Monthly Natural Gas Usage in Dollars

Utilizing datasets from a very solid source EIA.gov, we calculate these averages based on the natural gas consumption data and corresponding prices. This analysis offers insights into the monthly trends and potential factors influencing these variations.

Monthly usage – USA average
MonthAverage Monthly Residential Gas Bill ($)

The line chart reveals a significant seasonal trend in the average monthly gas bill for residential consumers. The highest bill occurs in January 2023, averaging $170.24, reflecting peak winter heating demand. The cost gradually decreases through the year, dropping to $45.81 in May 2023 as heating needs decline.

The lowest bill observed is $33.95 in August 2023, during the summer months when natural gas consumption is minimal. The upward trend resumes in the fall, reaching $117.75 in December 2023, as temperatures drop and heating demand increases again. These fluctuations demonstrate the impact of seasonal demand and natural gas price variations.


The figures here are national averages and don’t encapsulate regional variations across different states. Natural gas bills can vary significantly from state to state due to factors like local climate conditions, state-specific regulations, and the efficiency of local infrastructure.


This analysis utilized three datasets: the amount of natural gas delivered to residential customers (in MMcf), the number of residential customers (assumed constant within each year), and the price of natural gas (in dollars per thousand cubic feet).

The data was aligned by month, and the average monthly gas bill was calculated by dividing the total cost of delivered gas by the number of customers. The calculations accounted for consistent annual customer counts, with the most recent 12 months extracted and analyzed. The results were visualized as a line chart to showcase monthly trends.

Monthly Natural Gas Usage in Mcf, MMBTU, Therms, kWh and GJ For 6 Countries

Now take a look at natural gas usage in aggregate for 6 countries but instead of dollars, we’ll examine the volume of gas used. Let’s think in terms of energy to understand these figures.


Here are the numbers for the annual gas usage.

Annual Natural Gas Usage in MMcf, MMBTU, Therms, kWh and GJ


Methods To Calculate Average Therms Per Month

In order to calculate the average natural gas usage per household, we need to look at the total number of households that use natural gas, as well as the total amount of natural gas that is used. The total natural gas usage can be determined by looking at the amount of natural gas that is consumed by residential customers in a given area, and then dividing that number by the total number of households in the area.

This gives us an average amount of natural gas that is used per household in the area. This figure can then be used to calculate the average natural gas usage per month.

The average natural gas usage per household is usually calculated on an annual basis, as it is more reliable than monthly or weekly figures. In order to calculate the monthly natural gas usage, we need to divide the annual natural gas usage by 12.

This will give us an average amount of natural gas that is used per month by a household. This figure can then be used to determine the average amount of natural gas that is used by a household in a given month.

For good measure, we not only used therms, but also mmcf, MMBTU, therms, kWh and GJ. These are defined here:

Mcf – thousand cubic feet, MMcf – million cubic feet, MMBTU – millions of British thermal units, Therm – thermal units, kWh – kilowatt hours, GJ – gigajoules

Factors That Affect Residential Gas Usage

Natural gas is the least carbon intensive fossil fuel energy source, emitting about half as much carbon into the environment than oil and coal. It is also one of the most affordable energy sources available to residential customers. However, it’s still not carbon free and replacing all fossil fuels with natural gas is not a viable way to get to carbon neutrality.

There are several factors that can influence the average monthly natural gas usage of a household. The size of a home, the type of appliances and heating systems that are used, and the climate of the area can all have an impact on the amount of natural gas that is used.

For example, larger homes with more appliances and heating systems will typically consume more natural gas than smaller homes with fewer appliances and heating systems. Additionally, colder climates will typically require more natural gas to maintain a comfortable living environment.

The average monthly residential natural gas usage can vary significantly from area to area, as different climates and different sizes and types of homes can all have an impact on natural gas consumption. According to the US Energy Information Administration, the average monthly residential natural gas usage in the US is between 70 and 90 therms per month.

This figure varies depending on the factors mentioned above, so it is important to research the average natural gas usage for a particular area in order to get an accurate figure.

In addition to the average monthly residential natural gas usage, it is also important to consider the cost of natural gas. The cost of natural gas can vary significantly from area to area, and it can also change over time. It is important to research the current cost of natural gas in a particular area in order to get an accurate figure for the cost of natural gas per month.

Factors That Affect The Six Countries We Looked At

We also look beyond the USA. The factors that can affect the average monthly natural gas usage in a particular country can vary significantly. For example, a country’s climate, the availability of natural gas, the efficiency of the natural gas infrastructure, and the size and type of homes in the country can all have an effect on the average monthly natural gas usage.

In general, colder countries tend to use more natural gas due to their need for heating, while countries in warmer climates tend to use less natural gas. Countries that have a more efficient natural gas infrastructure and more access to natural gas sources tend to have lower average monthly natural gas usage. Finally, countries with larger and more modern homes tend to use more natural gas than countries with smaller and older homes.

Sources Of All Data

We pulled figures from government sources (see at the end of article references for sources of data) as much as possible for 6 American, European and Asian countries because of ease of access to official data. The countries were the US, UK, Canada, Australia, Germany and Japan.


In conclusion, residential natural gas is an important source of energy for many households in the US and around the world. The average monthly residential natural gas usage can vary significantly from area to area, depending on factors such as the size of the home, the type of appliances and heating systems that are used, and the climate of the area.

It is important to research the average monthly natural gas usage in a particular area, as well as the cost of natural gas, in order to get an accurate figure for residential natural gas usage. Additionally, it is important to be aware of the potential benefits and drawbacks of natural gas usage in order to make an informed decision about whether or not to use natural gas

Sources of information:

UK household breakdown of gas usage

UK households 2020

UK residential gas consumption

German residential natural gas consumption 2021

Germany households

Canada residential natural gas usage per household 2015

Australia residential natural gas usage 2018-2019

Australia natural gas households

United States natural gas residential customers 2021

United States natural gas deliveries 2022

EIA report on Japan natural gas household consumption 2023

Statistics Bureau of Japan 2022

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